Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday Mornings

Every tuesday morning for the past 2 1/2 yrs I have been hanging out with some awesome moms. We all get together at each other's houses (rotating who's house every week) and just hanging out and letting our kids run amuck. It varies in numbers and right now there are about 8 of us..most recently one has left for a full-time job and we've added another. But this kind of thing has been happening throughout. I love these ladies. They are awesome and fantastic moms. We get along and have a lot in common. We're all around the same age and have around the same number of children. And most of of our husbands work at the same plant. 
But today was a bittersweet day. It was my last tuesday  for 8 months, my kids will still be going every once and awhile because one of my mommy friends is taking care of them, but I won't be going. It's hard enough to make friends when you an adult and even more so when you're a stay-at-home parent (at least this has been my experience). I love our conversations. Mostly about our kids, but we talk about our hubbies and family and in-laws. We talk about parenting and what life was like before kids. It's really a wonderful little group we have going. And even though it's only once a week, I just can't help but feel that I'm losing my community for a good chunk of time. Where I'll be working I'm the oldest and I have the most kids. Those ladies just get it. We're honest and open about how hard parenting is. How frustrated we get with our kids and our husbands and how we struggle whether to stay at home or go back to work. It just makes you feel like you have a great support network that will help you whenever you need it. 
I love them all and will be making the the upmost effort to get together every month to catch up and reconnect. Every women needs her girlfriends. Even more so when you become a mom. These are my girls and they have help make motherhood a joy for me:)
 If you don't have this kind of network I encourage you to reach out and grab on to the first mom you see...You'd be surprise at how much you have in common and what a relief it is that you are not a lone in this crazy coo-coo world we call motherhood.